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Diverticular Disease

How does Diverticular Disease affect me?

Diverticular disease is a condition where small bulges or sacs (diverticula) in the large intestine are developed and infected. When the diverticula are present but not infected, it is known as diverticulosis. Symptoms of diverticulosis are usually non-existent or minor and do not require any immediate medical care.

If diverticula become infected or inflamed, a colon surgery might be required to treat what is now known as diverticular disease.

The most extreme form of diverticular disease is known as diverticulitis, which is when the diverticuli becomes inflamed and infected.

Our doctors are skilled in the detection and treatment of diverticular disease.
For a detailed assessment, please contact our clinic today.

Are you at risk of diverticular disease?

Some early stage diverticular disease symptoms you should look out for are:

Stomach pain that worsens during and after eating
Abdominal bloating
Constipation or diarrhoea
Blood or mucus in stool

If you have the following risk factors, you may be at increased risk of diverticular disease.

Cigarette use
Having a low-fibre diet
Family history of diverticulitis
Low levels of vitamin D

It is important to note that diverticulosis may also not have any symptoms.

It is recommended that you book a consultation with a colorectal specialist in Singapore if you suspect that you may be suffering from diverticular disease.

If you notice symptoms of diverticular disease, or have risk factors, please seek medical attention from our experienced specialists today.

How is diverticular disease diagnosed?

Your medical history and symptoms will first be evaluated, and a physical exam a physical exam may then be performed to check for any abdominal tenderness and discomfort.

Other diagnostic methods include: blood tests to identify any signs of infection, a CT scan to identify abnormalities in the intestines, as well as Colonoscopy which will allow the doctor to clearly examine the inner lining of the colonic walls.

How is diverticular disease treated?

In mild to moderate cases of diverticulosis, we will typically prescribe antibiotics and a liquid diet until your symptoms subside. Following that, you can start on a high-fibre diet as this will add bulk to your stool and help move it out of your digestive tract.

Severe cases of diverticular disease with prolonged bleeding may require you to be hospitalized and on bowel rest. This is to allow your digestive system to take a break and heal on its own.

We Listen. We Treat. We Care.
Entrust your health and recovery to our dedicated team at Colorectal Practice today. From prompt consults to treatment and recovery, we are committed to seeing you through to a better quality of life.
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With a comprehensive network of clinics in Singapore, we stand ready to help you achieve optimal colorectal health.
3 Mount Elizabeth, #12-14
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore 228510